Cloud Access Security Broker Policy

The rise in cloud adoption has made it imperative for more businesses to rely on cloud providers to store, access and manage their data and applications. While running applications and services in the cloud offers much-needed flexibility and scalability, it also introduces new security challenges.

The purpose of this Cloud Access Security Broker Policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the secure and efficient use of cloud-based services. This policy aims to mitigate risks associated with cloud adoption, protect sensitive data, ensure compliance with relevant regulations and promote best practices for CASB deployment and usage.

Featured text from the policy:


Principle of least privilege: Access to cloud services will be controlled based on the principle of least privilege. This means that individuals will only have access to the resources and data necessary to perform their job duties.

Protect your business with our seven-page policy document. This is available for download at just $9. Alternatively, enjoy complimentary access with a Premium annual subscription. Click here to find out more.

TIME SAVED: Crafting this content required 12 hours of dedicated writing, editing and research. Benefit from our expertise and implement an efficient IT policy.

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TechRepublic Premium
February 7, 2024
TechRepublic Premium

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